Well, I've sat on some comments recently, and because I sat on them too long, I figured they'd be stale in their original locations. So let's address them. I miss Husker1911 threatening my wife and daughter, though. He must be too busy bird watching.
Here we go!
SteveIsAbitch writes:You are an arrogant prick. Go find another team to root for.Dear SteveIsAbitch,
Thanks for the heartfelt comments. It's responses like this that only serve to encourage me. But you already know that. I know it tears you up that I'm not a "Solichista", and that I am a Callahan/Pederson fan. You'll learn to adapt after you're done spanking it in your parents' basement.
anonymous writes:What would happen if you got hit head on in traffic? Personally we'd all be better off.Dear anonymous,
That's an excellent question! How fast am I going, as well as the oncoming traffic? Am I wearing a seat belt? Does either of the cars have armor plating? If so, which ones? I'd love to run this scenario further with you. E-mail me at steve@huskers.com so we can chat about it further.
Another anonymous wrote:Die, stupid fucker.Dear anonymous,
You are a wordsmith. Happy holidays!
anonymous writes (everyone else posted anonymously, for the record):Do you use your blog to compensate for a small peter?Dear anonymous,
Really? I mean, that's it? First of all, who uses "peter"? Secondly, when you have to resort to small wang jokes, it's time to either take a break from the internet, or hit google for some better insults. I expect better next time. Step it up.
anonymous #3874 writes:Try not to get your ass beat when you least expect it.Dear anonymous,
Did you know your IP matches our "Die, stupid fucker" friend?
Anyway, I will certainly try not to. I know that you are an ITG (Internet Tough Guy), and you have an image to maintain, so I will help...
Oh please don't beat me up you sackless nutguzzler!! (I'm not above sophomoric profanity, FYI).
...was that better?
anonymous writes:Stick to motorcycle racing, it's clear you hate the Huskers.Dear anonymous,
Okay. Seriously. Point to any single post on here, or anywhere, that shows I "hate the Huskers". Let me know when you find some links. You need to remember, you are not a Husker. Neither are the rest of the malcontents that post on my blog. You're gutless bitches who are clueless as to what being a Husker fan is all about. You're either mid-90's bandwagoners, or old creepy bird-watching freaks who are trying to find friends on the internet because in real life you're a social retard.
Yet another anonymous writes:At least on BRB (Steve note: that's bigredboard) we don't trash the Huskers, ever. Can you say the same about you and your brother?Dear anonymous,
First off, unless it's Bo Ruud, right? Anyway, I once again challenge you to point out where I personally have trashed the Huskers. I don't speak for my brother, as he can speak for himself.
I look forward to more whiny anonymous threats, etc.