Monday, November 06, 2006

Husker Fans On The Internet

Greetings lurkers!

You know, it's no secret for regular readers that I've used some of this space to take many easy pot-shots at a select group of individuals. These pot-shots were more than easy, considering the audience. Lately, however, when I read some of the crap on various Husker boards, it is just plain disheartening.

Let's break it down...

1.) Fans who constantly criticize caoches.
2.) Fans who constantly criticize players.
3.) Fans who constantly, and quite blindly, defend coaches.
4.) Fans who constantly, and quite blindly, defend players.

That is an extremely broad-brush generalization. Some people criticize in a fair manner, others do not. Some people defend in a fair manner, while others don't. If you have spent any time at or, you'll see the constant barrage of actual hate. You can read it in the comments of this very blog with guys like Husker1911 wishing death upon my wife and daughter, or him stalking the admin of bighuskerfan, as well as anyone else who doesn't agree with his stance. There are numerous others who do the exact same thing.

At first, it was highly entertaining to watch these guys get riled up, because it is so easy to do. Nothing is more predictable than their reactions week to week regardless of a Husker victory or loss.

Loss = That win wasn't necessary/our players suck and our coaching schemes were superb.

It's as if they are on a constant lobbying effort for free tickets or jobs at the University.

Anyways, it's just getting old. The whole thing loses its steam when I get continued threats. What spurred this is a recent comment I did not publish that mentioned my home address, and my wife's workplace.

So enjoy your hate-filled diatribes, your internet stalking, and your superiority complexes. It's crossed a line into actual threats. Forget just the personal information, that part is not a big deal in and of itself, we've gone into territory that is ridiculous.

This blog will continue on, and I will have future point/counter-points, Husker thoughts, MotoGP, and other random crap. I'm just tired of dealing with guys like Husker1911, who would love to see my wife and daughter dead.

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