Saturday, August 04, 2007

Congrats to Barry Bonds

I get a lump in my throat every time a 'roid user does something amazing in sports. I mean, the hard work going into putting illegal performance enhancing drugs into one's system should at least net you some accolades.

Barry Bonds is, as of this writing/typing, tied with non-steroid freak Hank Aaron. Way to go, Barry! I, and countless others, look up to your amazing dedication, and marvel at your metamorphisis...

When children all across the land look to ways to succeed in athletics, they will be able to follow your shining example of how to be a steroid junkie, and shatter records that mere mortals once labored intensively at creating.

I love sports today, with its thug culture and ability to make one realize that their own lives aren't as bad as athletes who have to wake up every morning and realize they cheated their way to greatness.

The fun!

Barry Bonds is going to fight another steroid user...the purse is...


Anonymous said...

So do you belong to the asterisk crowd? True or not, this man has not been convicted of any crimes. Charge him, try him, convict him, and then kick him to the curb with Pete Rose for all I care. More power to you. But until then he is about to make history and I say bravo.

By the way, if you must tarnish the reputation of anyone try putting and asterisk where it belongs: Next to Babe Ruth and any other record holder who competed in segregated sports.

Buddy Cole

Steve said...

I'm not so much in the asterisk crowd as I am the "ignore-the-new-record" crowd.

Babe Ruth? Is that the best you have? I mean, when I look in my log here, I already have an asterisk next to his name for competing in segregated sports. It's in the Steve's Bar & Grille Encyclopedia. I can sell it to you at a discount.

Barry Bonds is his own worst enemy, I'm afraid. Team mates hate him, fans hate him...the guy is a peach to be around. I just hope he doesn't have a 'roid fit around his wife and kids, like Chris Benoit.

Before I end this, Pete Rose's biggest crime, in my opinion, wasn't the gambling, it was his haircut.

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom from good ol' Steve's "I avoid the argument by peddaling copius amounts of Crap" Bar & Grill.

I realize his acheivement is nothing compared to the cinimatic triumph that is the Fantastic Four, but you could at least show a modicum of class by admiting that the argument is solid.

Silly child.


King Leonidas said...

Hey, Ivan Drago has never been found guilty of using any performance enhancing drugs. You can suspect what you want.

Yeah, we saw him get injected with something in Rocky 4, but it could have been flax seed oil, or just a vitamin B12 supplement. Maybe he's diabetic.

The only thing he is guilty of is "breaking" Apollo Creed.

Oh, this is about Barry Bonds? Well, let's not sully Drago's good name in that argument.

Steve said...

From my great pal Buddy Cole...

Words of wisdom from good ol' Steve's "I avoid the argument by peddaling copius amounts of Crap" Bar & Grill.

I realize his acheivement is nothing compared to the cinimatic triumph that is the Fantastic Four, but you could at least show a modicum of class by admiting that the argument is solid.

Silly child.


I wish I had a comeback on the copius amount of crap comment, but the truth outweighs any snarky comeback I can come up with.

And in regards to Barry's acheivement is nothing compared to the Fantastic Four: YOU ARE RIGHT! For once. One of those items makes no bones about being fictional, whereas the other item passes himself off as real, while being a complete roided out phony.

I will give Bonds this: he CAN hit. You need to have some skill to crank the bat. He can certainly do that, which is what he used to do before the juice, too.

Let's take the high road, sporto. Knowing there is no actual proof he has done the roids, isn't it just magical that his shoe size increased 3 sizes in the last several years! Late bloomer, there!

Come on, slacker.

Steve said...

King Lear writes:

Hey, Ivan Drago has never been found guilty of using any performance enhancing drugs. You can suspect what you want.

Yeah, we saw him get injected with something in Rocky 4, but it could have been flax seed oil, or just a vitamin B12 supplement. Maybe he's diabetic.

The only thing he is guilty of is "breaking" Apollo Creed.

Oh, this is about Barry Bonds? Well, let's not sully Drago's good name in that argument.

King, nice to have you here. I hate comparing Drago and Bonds, but the parallels are there. Both are SUSPECTED juicers. I mean, Mr. Drago has 2200+ pounds of punching power behind him, as the corpse of Apollo Creed can attest to.

Hang on a second...

Okay, I have just been informed that Ivan Drago is not real. I need to go and rethink my life...