First, the disclaimer: I am not a big drinker. A six-pack can last me a month. I do, however, enjoy trying out different beers, and I tried Bass Pale Ale recently and it is phenomenal.
I know, you are probably saying "Hey dipshit, that beer has been around since the Pyramids were built." I know, I know. Cut me some slack, at a six-pack per month, I don't roll through too many brands.
Anyway, my wife and I were at Old Chicago pizza, and I saw it on the menu, along with approximately 941 other beers, and just randomly picked it. Draft. I would most certainly suggest this beer to anyone...the everyday Joe all the way to the lonely, on the brink of suicide alcoholic.
Try it!

Let's see here...
1.) Don't care about kids. Check
2.) Speaking in a fake accent. Check
3.) Completely batshit crazy. Check
I guess Britney Spears has a pretty full life. Good for her! I wonder what kind of beer she drinks?